Parliament approves emergency motion looking into Fenaka corruption


Former Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (L) with former Fenaka Corporation MD Saeed | Photo: President’s Office

The Parliament on Wednesday, has accepted an emergency motion seeking to launch an investigation into alleged corruption in Fenaka Corporation – the country’s second electricity service provider.

Fenaka Corporation is mired with some of the biggest corruption scandals, mostly related to its former management’s misconduct, the allegations of which have been denied by the previous top brass.

At Wednesday’s parliament sitting, ruling party’s MP Ibrahim Didi submitted the motion, which was accepted to the floor with 67 votes.

In said motion, Didi argued that Fenaka Corporation’s former management is linked to several corrupt activities, which the MP said often hindered its services to the consumers.

He further said that due to poor management of the utility provider, the state often found itself facing setbacks in issuing financial injections to maintain the corporation running.

The MP further said that Fenaka owed MVR 2 billion to State Trading Organization (STO), adding not a single payment was issued from the utility provider towards STO since 2019.

While debating on the emergency motion, the MP further demanded former Fenaka Corporation Managing Director Ahmed Saeed to be summoned for an inquiry.

Supporting the motion, several ruling party lawmakers coincided on launching an inquiry into the company’s alleged corruption.

There have been multiple reports of the utility provider owing money to several third-parties for various projects it had contracted them, while it had also allegedly failed to pay to contractors on time.

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